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Tuber Care Instructions:

If it is past your last frost date and your soil temperature is at least 55°F/13°C, go ahead and plant your tubers outside.


If not, keep your tubers in their plastic bag with vermiculite in a cool dark place until the conditions are right for planting.


Alternatively, if you want to get a head start on the growing season, you can plant your tuber in moist (not wet) potting mix indoors under grow lights. Only water them if the soil has dried out. Tubers are prone to rotting before they have sprouted and produced roots. 


Tubers come in all shapes and sizes and will still produce a beautiful plant! Some dahlia varieties produce long skinny tubers (e.g. Bloomquist Arise). Others produce bulbous, potato-sized tubers (e.g. A-Peeling). What is most important is that the tuber has a crown with an eye, a solid neck, and some tuber body. The eye is where the plant will sprout. 

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